#C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. adams fosters family.
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C. ADAMS FOSTER : inchara. C. ADAMS FOSTER : images. C. ADAMS FOSTER : study. C. ADAMS FOSTER : hc. C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. adams fosters family. C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. ximena sinfuego. C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. stef adams foster. C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. jude adams foster. C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. mariana adams foster. C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. lena adams foster. C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. aaron baker. C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. aj hensdale. C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. brandon foster. C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. wyatt casey. C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. sophia quinn. C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. robert quinn.
E. KURTZMAN : inchara. E. KURTZMAN : images. E. KURTZMAN : study. E. KURTZMAN : hc. E. KURTZMAN : rel. mariana adams foster. E. KURTZMAN : rel. jesus adams foster.
J. ADAMS FOSTER : inchara. J. ADAMS FOSTER : images. J. ADAMS FOSTER : study. J. ADAMS FOSTER : hc. J. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. mariana adams foster. J. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. stef adams foster. J. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. lena adams foster. J. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. emma kurtzman. J. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. brandon foster. J. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. jude adams foster.
L. ADAMS FOSTER : inchara. L. ADAMS FOSTER : images. L. ADAMS FOSTER : study. L. ADAMS FOSTER : hc. L. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. stef adams foster. L. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. mariana adams foster. L. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. jesus adams foster. L. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. brandon foster. L. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. jude adams foster. L. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. callie adams foster. L. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. dana adams. L. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. stewart adams.
S. ADAMS FOSTER : inchara. S. ADAMS FOSTER : images. S. ADAMS FOSTER : study. S. ADAMS FOSTER : hc. S. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. lena adams foster. S. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. callie adams foster. S. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. mariana adams foster. S. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. jesus adams foster. S. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. jude adams foster. S. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. brandon foster. S. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. mike foster. S. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. sharon elkin. S. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. frank cooper. S. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. tess bayfield.
#post : memes.#post : wishlist.#post : crack.#post : audio.#post : video.#C. ADAMS FOSTER : inchara.#C. ADAMS FOSTER : images.#C. ADAMS FOSTER : study.#C. ADAMS FOSTER : hc.#C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. adams fosters family.#C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. ximena sinfuego.#C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. stef adams foster.#C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. jude adams foster.#C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. mariana adams foster.#C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. lena adams foster.#C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. aaron baker.#C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. aj hensdale.#C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. brandon foster.#C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. wyatt casey.#C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. sophia quinn.#C. ADAMS FOSTER : rel. robert quinn.#E. KURTZMAN : inchara.#E. KURTZMAN : images.#E. KURTZMAN : study.#E. KURTZMAN : hc.#E. KURTZMAN : rel. mariana adams foster.#E. KURTZMAN : rel. jesus adams foster.#J. ADAMS FOSTER : inchara.#❥ 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓 ┊ inbox
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☁ * ⋆ : aw, look at this photo! it’s ORION ROCKEFELLER with their family! they’re an ARCHITECT, right? this photo must have been before HIS SON WAS BORN, but after HE RENOVATED ROCKEFELLER MANOR. i heard that when they were younger, they used to DRAW/PAINT – i can’t imagine them doing that now! man… i wonder if their family knows they ARE SUFFERING FROM UNDIAGNOSED PTSD. ( c, 18, pst. )
hellllooo everybody! i’m c ( the shawn mendes mascot on the main ) and this is my dorito of a muse, orion rockefeller. i’ve been working him up in my mind ever since we started working on goldstone and i am so freakin’ hyped to be able to finally write him with u all <3 so pls, keep reading for some info about him! ( and buckle up, bc it’s kind of a wild ride! )
tw: death, mentions of ptsd.
orion was born on february 14th, 1979 which makes him an aquarius, and also a valentine’s day baby
he's a GIANT goofball. ever since college, he's always been sort of a social butterfly and a people pleaser
genuinely one of the most caring people on the planet??? as a kid he'd get into fights with bullies who were picking on the smaller kids
has the DEEPEST divide between his private and public life. even his own son is mostly unaware of his childhood/background
he's an architect, and designs buildings/infrastructures for communities and stuff like that. he's won tons of awards for his work and travels a lot for conferences and things like that
his mother passed away during childbirth, so he never got to meet her, but her name was emily rockefeller ( originally adams ) and from what his father told him about her, she was a lovely, kind, but passionate woman and she would’ve loved him fiercely. ( his father also often told orion when he was being particularly stubborn that orion reminded him of emily, and that he has her eyes. )
his father was james “jimmy” rockefeller, a decorated US airforce pilot. he was also a descendant of the rockefeller family ( if you’re not from america/not too versed in american history, the rockefellers are considered the richest family in american history — john d. rockefeller was a stupid wealthy man! )
growing up without a mother was difficult, but he and his father were extremely close, and james made sure that he was close with his mother’s family, especially her sister and her parents. as for his paternal family, he didn’t know much about them growing up, besides the fact that he’s distantly related to america’s first millionaire. he was also pretty close with a lot of his father’s friends from the military and their children as well.
orion had a relatively normal childhood, save for the slight melancholy around mother’s day every year. his father did his best to deter him from any sort of toxic masculinity, and made sure he was getting the best education possible. when his father was away on assignment, he was usually in the care of his mother’s sister. he rarely got into trouble at school except for the occasional fight when he’d stick up for the smaller kids who were getting picked on.
his father was rarely away on assignment, maybe only once or twice, and when he was he usually returned within a few months. in the summer of 1990, he was deployed to iraq to serve in the gulf war, and he promised orion it would be his last deployment.
in february 1991, when orion was about to turn twelve, his aunt picked him up early from school one day, and said they were going to see one of his father’s military friends. orion thought it was odd, but he wasn’t going to complain — what kid doesn’t want to leave school early? when he got there, the home was full of people he didn’t recognize, all with solemn looks on their faces. his aunt had to turn away as they bore the news.
that afternoon, one week before he turned twelve, orion learned that his father had passed away. he was spared the details, but learned later in life that the plane he’d been piloting had been shot down in a freak ambush.
orion doesn’t remember much of the next few years of his life. they were a blur of a young boy learning how to mourn all over again, and trying to grow up at the same time. at first, he was placed with his mother’s sister, but as a traveling artist, she was deemed unfit to care for him. he was then sent to a distant uncle on his father’s side somewhere in rural Iowa who treated him like he wasn’t even there. orion attempted to run away twice, and succeeded on his third try when he made it all the way to chicago. he survived there, somehow, for a few weeks before he was found by a few federal agents — lo and behold, his uncle ( who probably wasn’t even his uncle, but orion doesn’t remember ) refused to take him back. so, orion, at the age of fourteen, was put in the foster care system.
on paper, nobody would’ve wanted him. riddled with the deaths of his parents and a habit of running away, coupled with the fact that he missed the “desirable adoption age” by about thirteen and a half years, most people didn’t even want to try. the ones that did, decided he would be too difficult to handle after they met him and saw the cold isolation in his eyes, and the stubborn set to his jaw.
he was moved from foster family to foster family over the next four years, all over california, and had been re-placed five times by his eighteenth birthday. but all the while, he managed to get through school and save as much money as he could, selling five-minute portraits in downtown LA and getting small gig jobs here and there. by the time he turned eighteen, he was determined to have enough to go to college — or at least move out on his own and finally do something on his own volition for once.
little did he know, someone would come knocking on his foster home’s door asking for him a few days after he turned eighteen. they represented the rockefeller estate, and they wanted to have a chat with him about his father.
james had left him his entire estate. all of it. every penny, everything he’d ever owned, all of his mother’s belongings — and on top of it all, the massive manor passed down through the rockefeller family located just at the edge of goldstone, california. his hometown.
he used some ( a relatively small portion ) of the money to accept his offer at university of california, san diego as an architecture major, and was at the top of his class there all the way up until he graduated as part of the class of 2001.
in his junior year of college, like any other guy, he slept around a bit, and thought nothing of it — up until a girl he’d slept with months ago approached him in the middle of his senior year and told him she was pregnant. she didn’t want to keep it, but it was also too late to terminate the pregnancy, so she was thinking of putting the baby up for adoption. immediately, memories of his entire adolescence flooded back to him, and he begged her not to — instantly, he offered to take full custody of the child, and she could visit whenever she wanted, if she wanted to at all. she agreed, and lo and behold, branwen rockefeller was born. ( he named him branwen after somebody his father had told him about when he was a kid — he doesn’t remember the story, or if he was related to him, but he remembered the name. )
he then went on to pursue a masters in architecture, and his main project was actually renovating the rockefeller manor — obviously, after 22 years of being owned by a bank, and many years before that of no upkeep, it needed some renovation. orion spent his entire MA studies renovating it and actually presented the whole process to receive his masters degree, which he did.
he spent the next few years traveling — with branwen by his side, they’d stay in goldstone for most of the school year, but every chance they’d get to take a vacation, orion would take them somewhere he’d always wanted to go as a kid.
finally, in 2014, when branwen was starting high school, orion figured it would be a good time to completely settle down in goldstone, stop travelling so much and pour his attention into the one thing he’d left unfinished — the manor. it wasn’t unfinished from a construction perspective — it was stunning actually, fully furnished with a gym, a home theater, countless bedrooms, and fully ready to be lived in — but for orion, there was one thing he’d always wanted to do when the timing was right: give kids who felt lost a place to call home. give kids who were like him, back in the day, a place to call home.
so that’s what he did. he spent months gathering the proper licensing and credentials to finally open rockefeller manor to the public. he’s a licensed social worker now, and rockefeller manor offers a place to stay to anybody between the ages of fourteen and twenty one, so long as they display a significant need for help. ( orion often ends up taking the “tougher cases” — the ones with nowhere else to go. and sometimes, kids just show up on their own, nobody to represent them — and who is he to turn them down? )
now, he divides his time between architectural projects for work ( he’s designed countless buildings all over southern california, and is incredibly busy designing new projects all the time ) and taking care of the manor, whether that be the kids that live in it or the building itself.
( as for his secret, he’s experienced symptoms of ptsd ever since his dad passed, but never really knew what it was. it worsened when he began moving around, unable to ever really call one place home, and now that he’s completely boxed away the memories of his adolescence, he’s completely compartmentalized it and honestly made it worse whenever he does get around to thinking about what he’s been through. he’s also never told anybody about his background -- the furthest he’ll go is that his father was an air force pilot, and he grew up in goldstone. he’s always just tried to push through it and ignore it, but when he’s under significant stress or there’s a lot on his plate, he’ll tend to shut down or even spiral into a panic attack. he keeps himself so busy because he can’t be by himself for too long, as his past has drilled into him an innate fear of being alone. during these episodes, he’ll often shut himself in his office with the door locked until it passes, terrified that one of the kids will see him like this — too stubborn to let any of them, especially the ones who look up to him, see him as weak. )
obvs, the kids from the rockefeller manor !! he's definitely a parental/paternal figure to them and runs a pretty tight ship to keep everybody in line, but he also knows when it's time to just let them be.
childhood friends?? he lived in goldstone until he was twelve and then disappeared after his father passed until he was in his thirties, essentially. so it would be interesting if there was somebody who knew him as a kid and can see the huge difference in him now (he used to be really irreverent and rambunctious and is now a Certified Gentleman)
his personal assistant !! this one is on the wc page on the main, but he has an assistant that helps him organize his work as an architect. they're probably the closest person to him other than his own son, so maybe they've caught glimpses of his ptsd episodes??
friends!!! he def has a lot of friends around town, he's a pretty familiar face throughout goldstone
perhaps??? a past love interest??? he swore himself off from dating after he had branwen, at least for a while, bc he wanted to focus on being a dad and taking care of the manor, but uh .... love doesn't work like that buddy pal ! hehe
literally anything else i am a heaux for plots
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A Shazam Family History Guide to DC Comics
We have a handy guide to everyone in the Shazam family who can call down the power of the lightning.
With one magic word, Shazam has become one of the greatest superheroes in history. Billy Batson was imbued with the power of the wizard Shazam when he spoke that one magic word, Shazam! A fierce lightning strike would transform Billy into the World’s Mightiest Mortal. He first appeared in Whiz Comics #2 (1939) and was created by Bill Parker and C. C. Beck. Shazam took the world of comics by storm and became the most popular character on the stands. Captain Marvel (as he was then known) and his magic word even outsold Superman much to DC Comics’ chagrin.
The world of Shazam became so popular that Fawcett Comics, began to spread the wealth. Plenty of heroes were granted the power of Shazam along with Billy and many became legends in their own right.
Freddy Freeman
Tasting success with Shazam, Fawcett tried its luck with the spin off character Captain Marvel Jr. While Billy Batson was a kid who transformed into a super man, Freddy Freeman was a kid who transformed into a super kid. One of the utterly fascinating historical aspects of Captain Marvel Jr. is that Junior’s adventures were always a bit more adult and sophisticated than his "older brother's" adventures. This probably had a great deal to do with the art of Mac Raboy, one of the greatest artists of the Golden Age.
Even Captain Marvel Jr.’s origin is dark. Freddy Freeman and his grandpa were attacked by a villain known as Captain Nazi (listen, when your name is Captain Nazi, you’re a villain, no questions asked). Grandpa Freeman was killed and Freddy was gravely injured. To save Freddy’s life, Billy gifted the dying boy with a portion of his Shazam powers. Now, when Freddy spoke the name Captain Marvel, he was transformed into Captain Marvel Junior. There was a definite Dickensian feel to Freddy, who was essentially a homeless newsboy who needed a crutch to walk. But in the ultimate bit of wish fulfillment, when Freddy spoke the name of his hero, he became the World’s Mightiest Boy. Captain Marvel Jr. and his adventures remain absolute highlights of the Golden Age.
read more: Complete Guide to DC Comics and DCEU Easter Eggs in Shazam!
Captain Marvel Jr. was so influential that he was Elvis Presley’s favorite super hero. In fact, Elvis patterned some of his stage costumes after Junior's suit. When DC purchased the Fawcett pantheon, Freddy came along and became an important hero in the DCU. Over the years, Freddy served as a member of the Teen Titans, the Outsiders, and Young Justice. Since the New 52, Freddy is still around in his distinctive blue suit, but now, the young lad transforms into a blond haired Shazam Junior...or King Shazam...they haven't gotten around to re-naming all these characters yet.
Mary Bromfeld
Long before Supergirl there was Mary Bromfeld, the first female derivative of a male superhero (and who was perhaps not coincidentally also co-created by Otto Binder). But like Supergirl, Mary Marvel was not limited by the fact she shared a power set and costume with a male counterpart. After she was introduced in 1942, Mary became a great hero on her own both in her own book, in multiple anthology titles, in the pages of The Marvel Family with her brothers.
read more: Shazam Ending Explained
Mary was the long lost twin sister of Billy Batson. Of course, Billy grew up without any knowledge he had a sister, but when the long separated siblings met, Mary inadvertently says Shazam! and transforms into Mary Marvel, the World’s Mightiest Girl. Where Captain Marvel’s adventures were whimsical and Jr.’s adventures were somewhat edgy and realistic, Mary’s adventures upped the gentleness quotient, creating light fantasy yarns that are as dreamlike as they are precious. Her origins have been updated over the years and it seems unlikely that she is a blood relative of Billy's in the current comics).
And then there are the three younger Shazam siblings, all of whom were introduced in Flashpoint in 2011...
Eugene Choi
Geoff Johns and Gary Frank introduced a trio of new Shazam wielders. Joining Billy, Mary, and Freddy, Eugene, lives in the same foster home with the original three Shazam wielders. Eugene is the intellect of the group, he is dedicated to his studies and often gets into trouble for sassing his teachers. When he says Shazam, Eugene transforms into a silver clad Marvel and has the gift of technopathy, the ability to control machines.
Pedro Pena
Another of the foster siblings, Pedro is a fiercely loyal young man who transforms into a green clad superhero when he says Shazam. Pedro is imbued with much more physical strength than his Shazam siblings.
Darla Dudley
The youngest member of the Shazam family, Darla transforms into a purple costumed hero. Darla is the fastest of the Marvels and has some of the same precocious tendencies as the almost forgotten Freckles Marvel. With her siblings Eugene and Pedro, Darla has brought the Shazam family into a new age.
The Lieutenants
Mary and Junior weren't the first heroes to share the power of Shazam with Billy Batson. A year before the creation of Junior, three other Marvels said that one magic word. And between you and me, they were wonderfully silly. In the first appearance of the three Lieutenants, Billy Batson meets three other young men who share the name Billy Batson. One of them is from Brooklyn and calls himself Fat Billy, the second is from the South and calls himself Hill Billy, and the third is from the West and calls himself Tall Billy. I think ol' Fat Billy kinda got the short end of that Marvel stick.
read more: Shazam Post Credits Scenes Explained
Anyway, since they are all named Billy Batson, when the three new Billys say Shazam, they transform into Fat Marvel, Hill Marvel, and Tall Marvel. Golden Age logic, kids, Golden Age logic. Billy and the Lieutenants teamed up periodically throughout the 40s but Fat, Hill, and Tall all take a back seat once Junior and Mary make the scene.
Uncle Dudley
Uncle Marvel was a con man and fraud named Dudley H. Dudley who pretended to be the long lost uncle of Mary Batson. When he discovers the Shazam secrets, the old scalawag pretends he too has Shazam powers and becomes Uncle Marvel. The other Marvels think Dudley a lovable old coot and allow the pretense.
read more: How Zachary Levi Was Cast as Shazam
As silly as it all sounds, Uncle Marvel became a full-fledged (albeit unpowered) member of the Marvel Family and even defeated Black Adam! It was Dudley that got Black Adam to say Shazam in his first appearance, a trick that caused the ancient Black Adam to transform into dust. So, hell yeah, Uncle Marvel single handily defeated the Shazam Family’s most deadly enemy. Not bad for an old swindler.
Hoppy, the Marvel Bunny
So yeah, this was a thing. In 1942, funny animals were incredibly popular, so when Fawcett entered the genre with the title Fawcett's Funny Animals, it made sense to mash up the Shazam concept with a wascally wabbit. Granted the power of Shazam by the Wizard Bunny, Hoppy's adventures follow the same formula as the other Shazam Family titles, with the character needing to say the word "Shazam" to transform. Of course, Hoppy's magic word is a different acronym than the Captain's, the letters standing for Salamander, Hogules, Antlers, Zebreus, Abalone, and Monkury.
read more: Mark Strong and the Secrets of Dr. Sivana
The character returned many times over the decades since his heyday, appearing in a number of DC Universe stories. His first modern appearance was in DC Comics Presents #34 (1981) where he meets the Shazam Family for the "first" time and helps Superman defeat the classic Shazam villains Mr. Mind and Killer Kull. And guys, you know it gives you the warm and fuzzies that there’s a Shazam rabbit. You know it does.
Freckles Marvel
Niece of Uncle Dudley, Mary Dudley threatened to expose her humbug uncle if he didn’t make the freckled Mary her own Marvel costume and let her become Freckles Marvel. Like Uncle Dudley, Freckles was generally played for comic relief, but the precocious Freckles could knock someone out with her mean right cross. I just hope she had a dermatologist on call so Freckles Marvel didn’t become Basal Cell Marvel.
Captain Thunder
Right around the time that DC purchased the Shazam Family, an almost Captain Marvel took on DC’s flagship hero. Captain Thunder was actually Willy Fawcett (see what they did there?), who transformed (complete with the sound effect Sha-Boom!) into Captain Thunder when Willy rubbed a magic belt buckle given to him by an indigenous medicine man. After battling a group consisting of a Frankenstein's monster, a mummy, a wolf man, and Dracula (because awesome), Willy was inflicted with a mystical amnesia. This all leads to a clash with Superman who helps the doppelganger hero regain his memory. And then the legit Shazam became a thing at DC and so that was the end of Captain Thunder. But hey, Thunder totally counts even though he was only created so Superman could prove he is stronger than the recently purchased Shazam.
A Shazam wielder as part of the Legion of Super-Heroes is just the most marvelous piece of genius, like, ever. CeCe Beck (named after Shazam’s creator) is from the planet Binderaan (named after Mary Marvel and Supergirl co-creator Otto Binder). She is given the power of Shazam by an aged Billy Batson, who, in the 30th century, resembles the old wizard Shazam. When CeCe says the words Captain Marvel, she transforms into Thunder.
read more: The History of Black Adam
Sadly, Thunder only has a handful of appearances, but with DC's recent revival of the Legion, your humble writer would love to see CeCe bring the power of Shazam into the next century.
Like CeCe, Tanist was given the power of Shazam by an aged Billy Batson. A resident of the planet Mercury, Tanist is severely injured and his mother murdered after he and his mom discover a mystical entrance to the Rock of Eternity. Billy revives Tanist with that one magic word and the Shazam legend continues a million years from now.
Read and download the Den of Geek NYCC 2019 Special Edition Magazine right here!

Marc Buxton
Dec 5, 2019
DC Entertainment
from Books https://ift.tt/2Lpu8Dz
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Congratulations, Angie! Your application was so well thought out. I had a lot of fears when it came to Val applications, because it’s so easy to make her too rebellious, or too devoted to her religion, but I really think you struck a nice balance. I’m so excited to see where you take our cult leader babe.
Thanks again for applying! Please create your account and send in the link, track the right tags, and follow everyone on the masterlist as soon as you can. Welcome to Foxcroft!
Name: Angie
Age: 20
Preferred pronouns: She/her
Time zone:EST
Activity:On a scale from 1-10 I’d place myself at a 7. I’m a full-time college student, but my schedule’s been pretty light this semester and finals are still a little over a month away, so there’s not many impediments at the moment that could affect my activity.
Anything else?:Nope! I do want to apologize though for having been such a hassle about fc choices. Why are you like this @me.
Full name:Valerie Pineda
Date of birth:October 25th, 1989 / / S c o r p i o
How long have they been in Foxcroft:Valerie’s lived in Foxcroft all her life. It’s where she’s conducted God’s work under the banner of Deathless and its twisted belief system, and it’s where she’ll continue to strive for salvation for its other members, no matter the cost.
Sexuality: Am I allowed to say questioning? I imagine that given her strict conservative upbringing, Val would’ve had heteronormativity beaten into her on the regular. That said, she was always one to push boundaries and skirt around rules when it suited her, so I feel like she might’ve experimented with the opposite gender in her shameless pursuit for that ultimate adrenaline high. Nowadays, with her being even more committed to her religion, I think that she’d be more inclined towards playing it safe with her sexuality to kind of build on this otherworldly image she’s built for herself, even though there’s a lot of misplaced confusion and guilt wrapped in there.
FC Change: Eiza Gonzalez, Camila Mendes, Emeraude Toubia
How do you interpret this character’s personality? How will you portray them? Include two weaknesses and two strengths. (2+ paragraphs)
+ charismatic, dedicated, crafty
- manipulative, obsessive, self-serving
She was always a spirited little thing. With a pistol for a mouth and a smile that seemed to beget trouble for the mere sake of it, Valerie’s inherent grit was the one thing neither her parents nor the nuns at school could ever really beat out of her, for hers was a particular brand of recklessness that bypassed the traditionalism of her upbringing; a bold addiction to life that couldn’t be reined in. She was cigarette smoke seeping from beneath the door of the girl’s lavatory; she was the burn of whiskey at the back of one’s throat; she was loud, rambunctious laughter and legs flailing from atop the water tower; she was invincible.
And no one could convince her otherwise.
It’s her religion that grounds her. Never one to limit herself to the restrictions of convention, Valerie is nevertheless a staunch believer in her God. To those who don’t know her very well, it can be hard to reconcile the image of the wild child from her early years with the devoted Catholic that routinely attends church service. But for the select few in her inner circle, it’s not quite as difficult to understand how it is she does it, funneling that same frenzied energy, a trademark of Foxcroft’s finest delinquent, into the religious zeal that’s now come to define her character. It’s her faith that defines her and it’s her faith that brings out the very best and the very worst of Valerie Pineda.
There’s the charismatic side that resembles your typical cult leaders’. At first glance there’s something magnetic to her spirited ways. Val projects a confidence and plucky sort of charm that’s been known to draw people in; she knows how to make them feel special. Whether it’s in convincing the other children at church to join her cause, or reaching out to lost souls and lending them a purpose in life, she knows how to foster feelings of belonging among others and inspire loyalty. Her silver-tongued charisma and apparent kindness don’t always stem from a place of cold calculation, though, and this is underscored by her real sense of devotion to Deathless. They’re in many ways the closest thing she’s got to a family and though self-preservation will typically have her prioritizing her own safety and well-being over theirs, they’re not simply a means to an end for her anymore as they too deserve to know the grace of God’s salvation.
Then there’s the uglier, more merciless side. In essence, Valerie is a taker, not a giver. She takes from those she calls friends, like Jonah and Jack; their choices, their independence, their sanity – she takes it all and bends them to her own will because she thinks she knows what’s best for them, and with Val what’s best for others tends to coincide a lot with what’s best for her. She takes from Marcus Murphy, dragging him into her convoluted web, knowing full well that he can’t afford to go against her word. And, ultimately, though not by her own hand, she took Hazel Abram’s life the minute she decided salvation demanded a sacrifice.
Religious devotion and an almost narcissistic fixation to rise above her own mortality has warped the finer elements of Val’s personality. She’s become a more intense and possessive version of herself in her quest for immortality, twisted by her ambitions and ego into a frightfully selfish creature not entirely of sound mind. But when all is said and done, no matter how hard and how long she’s aspired to heights of otherworldliness, Val remains inherently human at her core. She doesn’t want to go at it alone and, in truth, the reality of an immortal life spent entirely on her own scares her as much as the prospect of death.
How did this character react to the death of Hazel Abrams? Adam Foxcroft? (1+ paragraphs)
Her engineering of Hazel Abram’s death wasn’t so much a necessary evil as it was the most pivotal moment in Valerie Pineda’s life. It was a game changer for her in more ways than one, simultaneously earning her the immortality she’d so long craved while cementing the cruel lengths she’ll go to, to get what she wants. From that point on, there was no going back. While she’d publicly feign regret over the loss of life in the days to follow, Val privately felt not a shred of remorse for her actions. Sacrifices, after all, were always made in service of something bigger than all of them and the rest of Deathless would come to thank her one day when they too knew glory of salvation. Her one and only concern came in covering for Jonah, something she continues to do to this day both out of pragmatism and loyalty.
Adam Foxcroft’s death complicated matters. The recent tragedy has once again shined the spotlight on the Hazel Abram case and Val worries about how this could affect Jonah and Deathless. The execution of Adam’s death, so similar to that of Hazel’s, has also raised her suspicions. She wonders to herself if a member of Deathless was behind the murder, having chosen to go rogue and ignore her instructions in what she could only construe as a damning act of betrayal.
How do they see the town and its people? Think about the different groups of people and prejudices the town holds about them. (1+ paragraphs)
Val has never been particularly prejudiced in her view of the fellow townspeople. Hailing from a devout Catholic family that’s lived in relative modesty all their lives, she belonged neither to the affluent heights of the Foxcroft family, nor the poverty of the swamps. Instead, her free-spiritedness led her to befriend town residents from all walks of life, especially those with similarly troubled backgrounds as her own. It’s because of this open-mindedness that she’s been able to build Deathless up from scratch, inviting into the fold people that she knows have little to lose and everything to gain from a newfound sense of purpose.
For non-human characters: What does this character know about what they’ve become? Have they had any experiences that made them aware that weren’t exactly human? Elaborate. (2+ paragraphs)
Countless nights were spent by Valerie burning the midnight oil at both ends as she poured over every religious text she could get her hands on. She’s known in her heart of hearts for ages now that she’s meant for something greater. All those times she defied death had her fully convinced that she’d been made in God’s image, that she was truly untouchable, and as such all that remained to seal the deal was the assurance of a godly life: an immortal life. And so, she delved into her research, desperate to reach what she believed to be her fullest potential.
That fateful night at Sweetwater Church changed everything. Valerie can still remember hearing the loud bang of a single gunshot echoing around the altar; she can remember the rosary around her neck bursting to pieces, cracked beads rolling about on the floor as Marcus Murphy blew a hole through her chest. Above all else, she can remember that feeling of overwhelming triumph as she lifted her head up to meet his eyes, teeth spread in a wide grin while the gaping hole in her chest began to stitch itself back together. That was when she knew it’d all been worth it.
Please include 1-2 possible plots your see for this character (1 paragraph brief explanation for each)
i. From what I could tell Valerie doesn’t seem to be aware of the other forces at work in Foxcroft, namely the rest of the non-human species lurking around town. I definitely think that a realization on her end later on in the rp’s story could bring with it a lot of interesting repercussions that would be hella fun to explore. As someone who’s suffered so much for her faith and sacrificed so much of herself in service of it, I would imagine she wouldn’t be too pleased to know that there are others out there that have been similarly gifted with abilities beyond the realm of human imagination. I figure she’d still be deluded and egotistic enough to view immortality as the only real form of salvation, but it’d be cool to see how she’d deal with that turn of events and if it’d be enough to drive her over the edge.
ii. Literally anything and everything to do with Deathless. What I find most fascinating about Valerie is how she’s managed to cultivate this cult of hers by collecting people like a serial killer would trophies (that’s not a weird example at all angie) and commanding their attentions and allegiance. The lost causes, the broken hearts, the wounded ones that live on the fringes of Foxcroft’s society – she’s found ways to connect with them and bring them into the sphere of her fanaticism, and while not all of them are as devoted to her as they initially were, I still think it’d be cool to build on those dynamics and test just how far some members might go to stay in her good books, or how much they can put up with before choosing to actively go against her.
There are two options here, and you only need to complete one.
( I hope it’s okay that I linked you to two of my past rp blogs – I just didn’t want to overcrowd this section. )
( para sample #1 ): (x) ( para sample #2 ): (x)
How would you feel about this character dying?: I don’t know enough about the lore surrounding the town to know if an immortal can really die, but if it is a possibility or ends up becoming one later down the line, I’d be okay with it. Valerie’s story is so tightly wound with death and immortality, and her motives so fixed upon her determination to cheat death, that I think it’d be an interesting route to explore.
Why did you choose this character?:While I was initially toying around with the idea of applying for either Nina or Summer, it was Valerie’s bio that I kept being drawn back to. I think what struck me the most about Valerie is that hers is a character that could so easily be cast in the same mold as your typical religious zealot, yet there’s nothing one note about her. She’s defiant but committed; ruthlessly calculating but intensely passionate; self-serving to a fault but still willing to go above and beyond to protect her Deathless family. There’s so many layers there to work with, so much depth to uncover, that I feel she’d be a blast to play.
Extras: Here’s a playlist I made for Valerie (x)
How did you find us?: I was poking around the lsrpg tag and came across your promos there.
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Everything Coming to Crave and Amazon Prime in November
Here’s a breakdown of all the new movies and TV series we can’t wait to stream this month.
Everything Coming to Crave
Dollface Executive produced by Margot Robbie, this new comedy follows Jules (2 Broke Girls’ Kat Dennings) as she sets about reclaiming her own life and interests after her boyfriend of five years breaks up with her. In her quest to rekindle the female friendships she had long neglected, she reunites with old pals played by Shay Mitchell, Esther Povitsky and Brenda Song. Available November 15.
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His Dark Materials Based on an award-winning trilogy of fantasy novels, this series follows a young woman as she wanders through a series of parallel universes, uncovering sinister plots and stumbling upon mysterious phenomena. Series regulars include Dafne Keen, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Ruth Wilson, James McAvoy and none other than the Hot Priest himself, Andrew Scott.Available November 4.
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Shameless: Season 10 This long-running series about a truly dysfunctional family in Chicago returns in its tenth year without its lead star, Emmy Rossum, who departed the show last season. Picking up six months after that finale, we join the rest of the Gallagher clan as they navigate new relationships, new responsibilities and a new head of the family. Available November 10.
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And here’s the complete list of everything dropping on Crave in November:
November 4 HIS DARK MATERIALS, Season 1, Episode 1 *Series Premiere* (Crave + HBO + Movies) RAT PARK *Crave Original Documentary Premiere* (Crave)
November 6 THE APOLLO (Crave + HBO + Movies) RAIN DOWN (STARZ Programming) STRESS POSITION (STARZ Programming)
November 9 FIGHTING WITH MY FAMILY (Crave + HBO + Movies)
November 10 BACK TO LIFE, Season 1 (Crave) *SHAMELESS, Season 10, Episode 1 *Season Premiere* (Crave + HBO + Movies) DUBLIN MURDERS, Season 1, Episode 1 *Series Premiere* (STARZ Programming)
November 11 THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD (Crave + HBO + Movies)
November 12 VERY RALPH (Crave + HBO + Movies)
November 13 SISTERS & BROTHERS (STARZ Programming) ETHEL & ERNEST (STARZ Programming)
November 15 THE INTRUDER (Crave + HBO + Movies) DOLLFACE, Season 1 (Crave) A WALK IN THE WOODS (STARZ Programming) FURY (STARZ Programming) CECIL B. DEMENTED (STARZ Programming) CAST AWAY (STARZ Programming) THE MONUMENTS MEN (STARZ Programming) THE LAST PICTURE SHOW (STARZ Programming) THE MISSION (STARZ Programming)
November 16 LITTLE (Crave + HBO + Movies)
November 17 RAY DONOVAN, Season 7, Episode 1 *Season Premiere* (Crave)
November 19 THE PEOPLE GARDEN (STARZ Programming)
November 20 ERNIE & JOE: CRISIS COPS (Crave + HBO + Movies) DRONE (STARZ Programming) CITY ISLAND (STARZ Programming) CONFIDENCE (STARZ Programming)
November 21 CHARLIE ZONE (STARZ Programming)
November 22 KILLERS ANONYMOUS (Crave + HBO + Movies) READY FOR WAR (Crave) ANGIE TRIBECA, Season 4 (Crave) Dr. SEUSS’ HORTON HEARS A WHO (STARZ Programming) R.I.P.D. (STARZ Programming) WAG THE DOG (STARZ Programming) THE CAMPAIGN (STARZ Programming) HEREAFTER (STARZ Programming) THE GOOD GERMAN (STARZ Programming) THE NATURAL (STARZ Programming)
November 21 LIL REL HOWERY LIVE IN CRENSHAW (Crave + HBO + Movies) US (Crave + HBO + Movies)
November 26 LINDSEY VONN: THE FINAL SEASON (Crave + HBO + Movies)
November 28 DAVID FOSTER: OFF THE RECORD *Bell Media Original Documentary Premiere* (Crave)
November 29 FAMILY (Crave + HBO + Movies) THE KID WHO WOULD BE KING (Crave + HBO + Movies) DARK SIDE OF THE RING, Season 1 *Crave Original Premiere* (Crave) THE EQUALIZER (STARZ Programming) THE LAST BOY SCOUT (STARZ Programming) LEGENDS OF THE FALL (STARZ Programming)
Everything Coming to Amazon Prime Video
Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan: Season 2 John Krasinski is back as the CIA analyst out of his depth, and this time he’s in South America tracking a suspicious shipment. “As Jack threatens to uncover a far-reaching conspiracy, the President of Venezuela launches a counter-attack that hits home, leading Jack on a mission spanning the US, UK, Russia, and Venezuela to unravel the President’s plot and bring stability to a country on the brink of chaos,” read the show notes. Buckle up. Available November 1
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Brittany Runs a Marathon After a wake-up call following a visit to the doctor’s office, an overweight young woman decides to make positive changes in her life by training for the New York City Marathon. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year and stars Jillian Bell, Michaela Watkins and Micah Stock. Available November 22.
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The Report Inspired by true events, this tense drama stars Adam Driver as a United States Senate staffer investigating the CIA’s use of torture following 9/11. As he uncovers more about the agency’s brutal interrogation techniques, political forces converge to try and block his explosive findings from becoming public. Annette Bening, Jon Hamm, Michael C. Hall and Maura Tierney also star. Available November 29.
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And here’s the complete list of everything coming to Amazon Prime in November:
November 1 Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan: Season 2 American Gigolo Burn After Reading Gangs of New York Escape from Planet Earth Ghost John Grisham’s The Rainmaker (1997) Monster in Law Once Upon a Time in the West Rosemary’s Baby Sin City The First Wives Club The King’s Speech The Upside Degrassi: The Next Generation VI Degrassi: The Next Generation VII Degrassi: The Next Generation VIII
November 8 One Child Nation
November 14 Tyler Perry’s A Madea Family Funeral
November 15 The Man in the High Castle: Season 4 She’s All That Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl Earth: Final Conflict I
November 18 Poms
November 22 Brittany Runs a Marathon The Feed
November 26 Bad Santa Ugly Dolls
November 29 The Report
The post Everything Coming to Crave and Amazon Prime in November appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Everything Coming to Crave and Amazon Prime in November published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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